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Meet Your Next Favorite Book

Quist’s writing interests lie in many genres including children’s work, short lifestyle stories, cowboy poetry, western novels, plus Christian articles and novels.

Woven through every story is the thought that, even though he was not there himself in that pioneer time, he knew some that were. They are remembered with great respect.

About MeMy Books

About Me

2018 Word Guild Award Winner, Christian Contemporary Novel

Reg Quist’s pioneer heritage includes sod shacks, prairie fires, home births, and children’s graves under the prairie sod, all working together in the lives of people creating their own space in a new land.

Out of that early generation came farmers, ranchers, business men and women, builders, military graves in faraway lands, Sunday Schools that grew to become churches, plus story tellers, musicians, and much more.


Featured Books

Rustlers and Widows

The Settlers Book #1

Just John

Just John Book #1

The Truth of the Matter

Danny Book #1

Mac's Way

Mac’s Way Book #1

Reluctant Redemption

Reluctant Redemption Book #1

Latest Posts

Six-Gun Justice Podcast – A Conversation with Reg Quist

Six-Gun Justice Podcast – A Conversation with Reg Quist

The chores are done and it's time to come in off the range and listen to another Six-Gun Justice Conversation... Joining co-host Paul Bishop from Canada is Reg Quist, currently one of the most popular writers of Christian Westerns... Quist began writing after he...

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Nicholas – A Short Story

We took Sunday off from other responsibilities and drove over to Long Beach. Ray and Jane and the kids were camping there. Grandma packed a lunch for everyone, and the sun was shining like it does in July. But this was the end of September, so the weather was most...

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Ray’s New Horse – A Short Story

Ray’s New Horse – A Short Story

I swore I was not going to attend the horse auction. No, absolutely not. No matter how good a show the Daines family put on at the Innisfail auction mart I would not be there. Based on previous experience, that was a promise I made to myself. So, all day Saturday I...

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