Mac’s Way: The Complete Series
“This is a heartwarming and family-friendly series of events. This is what I depicted the old western folklore was about.”
Mac’s Way is a story about a family. A family with parents, children and grandparents. A family that loves one another. A family working hard to operate a cattle ranch in the pioneer days of the West. A family with heavy responsibilities. A family with hopes and dreams. In other words, a normal pioneer family. There were thousands of them just like the McTavish family.
But it wasn’t always this easy – the story begins with Mac McTavish.
Raised in poverty in Missouri, Mac is determined to find a better life for himself and the girl who is still a vague vision in his mind. Work on the Santa Fe Trail, and on a Mississippi River boat give him a start, but the years of Civil War leave him broke and footloose in South Texas. Everything changes when he meets Margo, and they start their journey west.
Mac’s Way: The Complete Series includes – Mac’s Way, Mac’s Land and Mac’s Law.